Playing Rules


  1. Members will vacate a court after playing one short set (8 games or 20 mins which ever the shorter) if other members are waiting to play.

  2. If a singles game is in progress and other members are waiting to play they should be invited to form a doubles – if no agreement then  point 1) above applies.

  3. If more than 8 members are present a rota system must be adopted to ensure equal playing time.


  1. Combination locks to external gate and the courts is provided and members will receive the combination.

  2. The last player(s) to leave must ensure that both gates are locked and the lock scrambled.

  3. Members must not divulge the combination to non-members.

  4. Members must wear their allocated shoe tags to certify membership.


  1. Tournaments and matches organised by the club have precedence at all times

  2. Adults & Seniors have precedence after 6.00pm on club nights (currently Thursdays)

  3. At all other times (except for officially reserved sessions-see details on court reservations page) members have equal rights to court use.


  1. A club house key can be obtained by adult members at a cost of £20

  2. Keys are not transferrable and must be returned when membership lapses

  3. Juniors under 14 yrs must not use the clubhouse unless supervised by an adult.

  4. The facilities must be respected, left clean and tidy, water turned off and locked after use.

  5. The committee reserves the right to prevent access if considered necessary.


  1. Adult  21 yrs and over
  2. Student/Junior up to 21 yrs


  1. Footwear – only non-marking tennis shoes or soft soled trainers

  2. Hard soled marking trainers are not allowed

  3. Suitable sports clothing only – bare torsos are considered inappropriate.


  1. A session fee of £3 will be paid by each visitor

  2. Members are responsible for payment of the visitor fee to a committee member

  3. Visitors can only play with a member but members have playing priority at all times

  4. Visitors are restricted to 3 playing sessions only before being obliged to join the club. Any visitor fees already paid will be deducted from the membership fee.


  1. Membership fees must be fully paid.

  2. Match fees to be collected by the team captain or nominated player

  3. Dress and footwear to comply with LTA standards

  4. Participation is expected in the club’s activities as a whole, not just for matches.

  5. The team captain is automatically a member of the committee or responsible to a committee member.  They will be responsible for team selection and the application of 1), 2), 3) and 4) above.